Claim Filing

Provider Verifying Coverage

90 Degree Benefits Phone Number:
(800) 239-3503

US Mail Claims Submissions

90 Degree Benefits
2810 Premiere Pkwy, Suite 400
Duluth, GA 30097
or FAX to: (678) 258-8299

Provider Must Include

  1. Itemized Bill or HCFA Form
  2. Copy of Primary Carrier EOB

EDI Claims Submission

Clearing House:

Payor ID: 58102

Claim Process

claims process

Provider Portal

Click the button below to verify coverage or register to the provider portal:

Provider Portal

Benefits to Providers

For services eligible under the patients’ primary health insurance, Secondary Med pays the patients’ out-of-pocket expenses such as copays, deductibles, and coinsurance. Claims are paid directly to the healthcare provider via our third party administrator 90 Degree Benefits. Secondary Med provides many benefits to healthcare providers such as, but not limited to:

  • Timely direct deposit payments.
  • Reduction in Accounts Receivable.
  • Reduction in the volume patient services that are delayed or avoided.
  • Reduction in bad debt.
  • Increase in patient utilization.
  • Improvement in patient’s physical and financial wellbeing.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I file a claim?

First, a claim for services performed must be filed with patient’s primary insurance provider. Once the healthcare provider receives the Primary Carrier EOB, they may then submit the claim via electronically filing, by fax, or by mail. For claim adjudication, filings must include a copy of the Primary Carrier’s EOB.

What is Secondary Med's fee schedule and how do we join the network?
Secondary Med does not have a set network and does not require a contract between the healthcare provider and Secondary Med.
What is the Fee Schedule?
There is no fee schedule. We pay the patient’s portion of the claim (i.e., copays, deductible, and coinsurance) directly to the providers on a dollar-for-dollar basis. The amount that the patient owes is determined by the underlying primary insurance carrier’s contract and can be found on the primary carrier’s EOB.
Why should I want to file this claim?
Most importantly, it will keep your patients happy, healthy, and insure that they continue to return to your practice for care.  From a claims perspective, it will reduce the amount of uncollected Accounts Receivable by shifting the claims to a highly rated insurance company verses an individual.
What does the future hold for healthcare providers?
With the affects of Healthcare Reform beginning to trickle down, one thing is for certain, your patient’s out-of-pocket expenses are increasing. This is going to further increase the amount of Accounts Receivable in the form of deductibles, copays, and coinsurance. Secondary Med will help you reduce this uncertainty.